Instructor: Dr.
David A. Johnson; Office: PH 231 (also try 237 or 239); E-mail:;
ex. 2845; Office
Hours: MTWR 2:00 - 3:00,
TR 11:00-12:00, or contact me by email.
Course Home Page:
See Moodle
( for link to web site.
Handouts and assignments will be available on the CMB
web site. Please check this site regularly for important
course information. Exam scores will be posted on Moodle.
Textbook: The Cell: A Molecular
Approach 7th ed., ISBN #978-1-60535-290-9,
Sinauer 2016. (Loose leaf: 978-1-60535-540-5 or eBook)
About the Course:
In CMB we will explore the molecular mechanisms of the
unit of life: the cell. We will delve into the
biochemical and cellular mechanisms whereby cells carry
out their functions, with a major emphasis on molecular
genetics (see course outline). Class work will include
lectures and laboratory exercises. Some lecture and
other class material is also online (see Video
Lect/Tutorials link in the menu bar).
Course Objectives:
- To gain an understanding of the how the genetic
material functions (DNA replication, DNA-directed
protein synthesis, the regulation of gene expression,
- To gain an understanding of how the structure and
basic functions of cells (cell compartmentalization,
energy dynamics, membrane functions and others).
- To gain experience in modern molecular biology
techniques (DNA isolation, gene cloning by PCR,
restriction enzyme analysis, gel electrophoresis, gene
cloning in E. coli, DNA sequencing and others) by
observing demonstrations.
Evaluation: Your
grade will be based on 500 points earned from exam
scores. Also, in order to pass CMB, you must have no
more than 4 unexcused absences.
Exams: Exam dates
are listed on the course outline below. Exam material
will come primarily from lecture material, but each exam
may include questions from the assigned text readings.
Each exam, including the comprehensive Final Exam, will
be worth 100 points. Exams may include the following
types of objective questions: FILL IN THE BLANK,
MATCHING, DEFINITIONS, as well as subjective questions,
like SHORT ANSWER, and DISCUSSION. Each exam will
include one or more types of objective questions and
subjective questions. I will not
announce ahead of time what type of questions will be
used for any exam. The comprehensive final will be worth
100 points each. Make-up exams will only be given to
students who contact me and receive a reply beforehand, except
in the case of emergency (documentation, such as a
doctor's excuse, required for emergencies). The FINAL
exam is Wednesday, May 10, 10:30 AM and will be
During the Exam:
Leaving the classroom during the exam is not allowed. Be
sure you use the restroom just before the exam starts.
You should be able to make it 70 minutes without using
the restroom. EXCEPTIONS: 1) If you are truly
ill, then you may stop the exam, which will not be
graded, and you will be given a make-up exam.
Grading: 465-
500 points (≥93%) = A; 450-464 points (≥90%) = A-;
435-449 points (≥87%) = B+; 415-434 points (≥83%) = B; 400-414 points (≥80%)
= B-; 385-399 points (≥77%) = C+; 365-384 points (≥73%) =
C; 350-364
points (≥70%) = C-; 335-349 points (≥67%) = D+;
315-334 points
(≥63%) = D; 300-314 points (≥60%) = D-; <300 = F.
Course Outline:
* = See lecture outlines for specific
textbook assignments.
is the primary method of communication used by Samford
University during a campus emergency. If you have not
registered for RAVE alerts, please use the link
provided below and go to the My Contact Information
box on your Portal homepage to update your RAVE
Emergency Alert Information.
Samford University utilizes Samford Alert for
desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile devices to provide
students with information, procedures, and links about
what to do in the event of a variety of emergency
situations that could occur on our campus. If you do
not already have the Samford Alert app on your mobile
device, laptop, desktop, or tablet, please click on
this link
and go to the In Case of Emergency box on your
Portal homepage for instructions on downloading
the App. Once you have downloaded the App, please take
time to review the information provided, it is
important that you know what to do in the case of a
campus emergency.
Americans with Disabilities Act:
Students with disabilities who wish to request
accommodations should register with Disability
Resources (205) 726-4078,,
University Center Room 205,
Students who are registered with Disability Resources
are responsible for providing me with a copy of their
accommodation letter and scheduling a meeting with me
to discuss how their approved accommodations will
apply to this course. Accommodations will not be
implemented until we have met to review your
accommodation letter
Tutoring/Communication Resource
Center: The Communication Resource
Center (CRC) offers free tutoring for Samford
students in oral and written communication as well as
support for developing and improving critical reading
skills. The CRC is in Brooks 222 and is open MTWR
10:00am-6:00pm. Students are encouraged to schedule
appointments at Students in online
programs may opt for online appointments through the
same appointment link and can upload files for the
tutor to review. For more information, visit
Note: The first time you schedule an appointment, you
will need to create an account, using your Samford
email and password.
Also, the Biology Department offers tutoring:

Inclement weather or other
events beyond the control of the University that might
cause risk or danger to students, faculty and staff
may occasionally result in changes to normal
University operations, including cancellation of
classes or events; the class schedule and/or calendar
may be adjusted.
Counseling Services: Students may benefit from
meeting with a counselor at some point to discuss
difficult issues, gain insight for dealing with
stress, or to process and understand events from the
past. When a need for counseling arises, students
should contact Counseling Services & Wellness
Programs. On-site appointments are prepaid
through student fees and there is no extra cost to the
student. To schedule an appointment, please email,
call 205-726-2065, or stop by Dwight Beeson Hall (DBH)
room 203.
Academic Integrity: Samford's
policy on academic integrity will be upheld in this
course. This policy (below) is quoted from the first
page of the "Academic Life" page of Samford's Student
Handbook (
A degree from Samford University is evidence of
achievement in scholarship and citizenship. Activities
and attitudes should be consistent with high academic
standards and Christian commitment, and should be in
keeping with the philosophy and mission of the
university. When a student is found guilty of
dishonesty in academic work, for a first offense, the
student will be placed on probation, and the professor
will receive a recommendation that the student receive
an "FX" in the course. Any student already on
probation who is found guilty of dishonesty again
automatically will be suspended.
Faculty Statement on Academic Dishonesty
Students, upon enrollment, enter into voluntary
association with Samford University. They must be
willing to observe high standards of intellectual
integrity; they must respect knowledge and practice
academic honesty. Those who cheat on an examination or
class assignment are not only academically dishonest,
but also completely deficient in the scholarly
maturity necessary for college study.
-Value Violations
An academic integrity value violation is defined as
the act of lying, cheating or stealing academic
information to gain academic advantage for oneself or
another. As a Samford University student, one is
expected neither to commit nor assist another in
committing an academic integrity value violation.
Additionally, it is the student's responsibility to
report observed academic integrity
violations.Violations of the Academic Integrity Values
Statement include, but are not limited to:
--Taking Information
---Copying graded assignments
---Working together on a take-home test or assignments
when specifically prohibited by the professor
at another student's paper during an exam
at your notes when prohibited
a term paper written by someone else
an exam out of the classroom when prohibited
resource material from the University Library without
your work to another to be copied
someone answers to exam questions during the exam
taking an exam, informing a person of questions that
appeared on the exam
or selling a term paper or class work to another
homework answers from your text and handing them in
for a grade
text or other works on an exam, term paper or homework
without citing the source
a paper purchased from a term paper service or
acquired from any Internet source
another's paper/project as your own
a paper from an organization's files and handing it in
as your own
with one or more students to commit a violation of the
Academic Integrity Values Statement
your term paper/project to another student who you
know will plagiarize
another person do your computer program, course
project or lab experiment
to a professor to increase your grade