Bibliography of English Publications about Geel (Gheel)

Arranged in reverse chronological order; most recent first.

    Roosens, E. & Van de Walle, L. (2007).  Geel revisited.  Antwerp, BE: Garant Uitgevers.

    van Walsum, Kimberly L. (2004). Nos malades: Three examples of Christian influences in care for the insane in pre-revolutionary France and Belgium. Journal of Psychology & Christianity, 23(3):  219-233.

    Goldstein, Jackie L., Godemont, Marc M.L. (2003). The legend and lessons of Geel, Belgium: A 1500-year-old legend, a 21st century model. Community Mental Health Journal, 39(5): 441-458.

    Priebe, S. (2003). Community mental health care in Europe – an overview. Med. Arh. 57 (5-6 Suppl 1): 51-55.

    Earle, Pliny (1994). Gheel, American Journal of Psychiatry, 151(6, Suppl): 16-19 [Reprint of essay written by author in 1851).

    Goren, Suzanne (1994). Space and sanity. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 8(4): 237-244.

    Godemont, Marc. (1992). 600 years of family care in Geel, Belgium: 600 years of familiarity with madness in town life. Community Alternatives: International Journal of Family Care, 4(2): 155-168.

    Liégeois, Axel (1991). The historiography of psychiatry in Belgium, History of Psychiatry, 2(7, Pt 3): 263-270.

    Kraepelin, Emil (1989). One hundred years of psychiatry. In Fine, Reuben (Ed), Current and historical perspectives on the borderline patient, pp. 19-23, Philadelphia, PA: Brunner/Mazel.

    Lilburn, T. (1986). To St. Dympna of Gheel, patroness of lunatics, for my healing. Poetry Australia, N105: 45.

    Conrad, Peter (1983). Madhouses, mad-doctors, and madmen: The social history of psychiatry in the Victoria era. (Review of Andrew Scull work). Contemporary Sociology, 12(1): 82).

    Parry-Jones, William (1981).  The model of the Geel lunatic colony and its influence on the nineteenth-century asylum system in Britain.  In Andrew Scull (ed.), Madhouses, mad-doctors and madmen: The social history of psychiatry in the Victorian era, pp. 201-217, Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.

    Pierloot, R. A., Demarsin, M. (1981). Family care versus hospital stay for chronic psychiatric patients. Int. J. Soc. Psychiatry, 27(3): 217-24.

    Linn, M. W., Klett, C. J., Caffey, E. M., Jr. (1980). Foster home characteristics and psychiatric patient outcome. The wisdom of Gheel confirmed. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry., 37(2): 129-32.

    (June 1980) Good neighbors. (Home care of mental patients). Saturday Review, 7: 6 (1)

    Roosens, Eugeen (1979). Mental patients in town life: Geel, Europe’s first therapeutic community. Beverly Hills:  Sage Publications.

    Stevens, Henry (1970-79). Insane colony of Gheel. Rochester, NY: Pennwalt Prescription Products.

    Huey, Karen (1977). The chronic psychiatric patient in the community: Highlights from a conference in Boston, Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 28(4): 283-290.

    Srole, Leo (1977).  Geel, Belgium:  The natural therapeutic community 1475-1975.  In G. Serban (ed). New Trends of Psychiatry in the Community (pp. 111-129). Cambridge, Mass:  Ballinger.

    A hometown for the mentally ill (1976). In Robert Campbell & editors of Time-Life, The enigma of the mind (pp. 159-171), New York: Time-Life Books.

    Berg, R. K. (1975). Letter: The Gheel experience. JAMA 234(7): 702)

    Hulme, J. R. (1975). The town of Geel – legend and reality. Nurs Mirror Midwives J., 151(23): 64-5.

    Mathessen, H., Morren, P., Segers, J. (1975). The State Psychiatric Hospital Center for family care, Geel. Geel: The Hospital.

    Aring, Charles D. (1974). Gheel revisted. JAMA, 230(6): 849.

    Aring, Charles D. (1974). The Gheel experience: Eternal spirit of the chainless mind. JAMA 230(7): 998-1001.

    Fields, Suzanne (1974). Asylum on the front porche: I. Foster communities for the mentally Ill, Innovations, 1(4): 3-10.

    Fields, Suzanne (1974). Asylum on the front porch: III. A medieval tradition, Innovations, 1(4): 15-16.

    Kernodle, R. Wayne (1972). Three family placement programs in Belgium and the Netherlands. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 23(11): 339-345.

    Keskiner, Ali, Zalcman, Marilyn J., Ruppert, Emily J., Ulette, George A. (1972). The foster community: A partnership in psychiatric rehabilitation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 129(3):  283-288.

    Goldin, G. (1971). A painting in Gheel. J. Hist. Med. Allied Sci. (26(4): 400-12.

    Lovasik, Lawrence G. (1971). Saint Dymphna: A saint who brings consoling light to all – especially to the nervous and the mentally handicapped. Tarentum, PA: L. G. Lovasik.

    A town for outpatients (March 14,1969).  Time Magazine, p. 74.

    Carty, R. C., Breault, G. C. (1967). Gheel: A comprehensive community mental health program.  Perspect Psychiatr. Care. 5(6): 281-5.

    Dumont, Matthew P. & Aldrich, C. Knight (1962).  Family care after a thousand years – a crisis in the tradition of St. Dymphna.  Amer. J. Psychiatry, 119: 110-121.

    O’Brien, E. (1953). A visit to Gheel colony. J. Ir Med. Associ., 32(191): 146-50.

    Rademaekers, A. (1951).  The present position of family care at Gheel. Brussels, Belgium: S.C.T. {Originally read at International Congress of Mental Hygiene, London, Aug. 20, 1948, and published in Mental Health, August 1948).

    Sibbald , J.  (1896). Gheel and Lierneux, the asylum-colonies for the insane in Belgium. Journal of Mental Science, XLIII.

    Letchworth, William Pryor (1889). The insane in foreign countries. New York: G. P. Putnam.

    Tuke, D. Hack (1886).  On a recent visit to Gheel.  Journal of Mental Science, XXXI: 481-497

    Pilgrim, Charles Winfield (1886). A visit to Gheel.

    Tucker, G. A. (1884). The Gheel lunatic colony. Birmingham, England: Cornish Brothers.

    Bryne, Wm. Pitt, Mrs. (1975, 1869). Gheel, the city of the simple. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms.

    Parigot, J. (1863).  The Gheel question: From an American point of view.  Journal of Mental Science, 19: 332-354.

    Sibbald, J. (1861).  The cottage system and Gheel.  Journal of Mental Science, VII.

    Stevens, Henry (1858).  Insane colony of Gheel.  The Asylum Journal of Mental Science, 4 (25):  426-436.

    Parigot, J. (1857).  On civilisation and insanity.  J. Psych. Med. and Mental Pathology, X:344.

    Earle, Pliny (1851). Gheel.            

    Officers of the New York State Lunatic Asylum, Utica (eds.)  (1848).  A village of lunatics.  The American Journal of Insanity, IV: 217-222.

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