Seinan Gakuin University

Aerial Photo of Seinan/Nishijin
Seinan Gakuin University is one of the descendents of Seinan Gakuin Educational Foundation, founded in April, 1916 by Southern Baptist Missionary Charles K. Dozier. Seinan Gakuin University was founded in 1949. The university is associated with the Japan Baptist Convention, an independent body of national Christians. Southern Baptist Convention support of Seinan has now totally ceased with the retirement of the last two SBC missionaries at Seinan. Unfortunately, the philosophy of mission at the SBC no longer places importance on the kind of incarnational witness that has been demonstrated here at this Christian institution in Fukuoka for almost 90 years.

Seinan Gakuin Educational Foundation today consists of Seinan Gakuin University, Seinan Gakuin High School, Seinan Gakuin Junior High School, Seinan Gakuin Elementary School, the Maizuru Kindergarten, and the Samidori Day Nursery. The university today has a student body of approximately 7,000 with about 340 full-time faculty.

Seinan Gakuin's motto, "Tell Seinan to Be True to Christ," was C. K. Dozier's final words to Seinan just before his death.

The University has a Graduate School, undergraduate divisions of Theology, Literature, Human Sciences, Commerce, Economics, and Law, as well as an International Division with an exchange program.

The chancellor of Seinan Gakuin Educational Foundation is Dr. Yoshiki Terazono and the president of the university is former missionary, Dr. Gary Barkley.

The green of the above school flag repesents the green pine trees that are found throughout the campus. The letters SW stand for SOUTHWEST, which is what SEINAN means in Japanese.

University Address:
Seinan Gakuin University
6-2-92 Nishijin, Sawara
Fukuoka 814-8511 JAPAN

 Telephone: 81-92-823-3201 (from within Japan: 092-823-3201)

For more Seinan Information see:

Seinan Gakuin University Home Page (in English)
Seinan Gakuin University Home Page in Japanese
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